Good morning~!
The hype of the semester tests has finally died down, my body can finally get a chance to detox. So, in celebration of the dying down of all the pent up stress, I went shopping. No surprise there. I went to the Levi's store, well it was actually a Levi's outlet store. Yea, got some pretty good deals...kinda. I only bought three items and it cost me 700 rand, thats roughly $105 that I spent. Well, if you think about it this way, you pay for good quality at a cheaper price....I'm trying to justify my overspending and it's not working. Onto the pic's.
The pants cost 399 rand so, thats equivalent to $60. |
The pants were far too long for my 1.57cm body, so I had to get them altered, it annoys me when pants are too long, I ALWAYS have to alter my pants. |
This top hits just above my hips, so once again, it creates the illusion that I don't have curves. |
I love the sequencing detail, it gives the top extra edge. |
So, in US$ it is, $30, it seems really cheap in US$ but down here 199 rand is a lot to pay for a top, if I could compare the price, I am able to buy a computer game for 199 rand. |
This is like a jersey? yeah, it's a jersey type of a top, very casual thats why I bought it. |
I love the pleating at the back, you can't really see the pleating clearly in this pic, but the pleating looks really nice from the back if you wear it. |
So, this was reduced from $30 to $19. |
Pastel stripes. |
I will probably upload pics of what I bought in my previous fashion haul. Yea, I had a haul before this one, I should have uploaded that one first, but anyway. Oh, I'll also be posting pic's of what all these wonderful pieces of clothing look on me. Till then.
Bye Bye~
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