Haul| Beauty Randoms

Saturday, 30 November 2013  at 5:53 pm

Last week Thursday I had the immense pleasure of watching Thor: The Dark world with my brother! I whole-heartedly thought it wasn't going to be as good as it was. I didn't particularly like the first Thor movie because I thought it was a bit...sappy, just my opinion. But after seeing Loki and Thor fight side by side and Loki faking his death...I died and fell in love with Tom Hiddelston *laughs* Today I have a mini haul consisting of the beauty products that I have tried in the month of November! There aren't many (only three to be exact) and I'm only fond of two of the three products that I tried. I hope you enjoy reading this post!

I was in search of a good cuticle treatment for my dried out cuticles. I went lurking on Google for a few reviews and stumbled upon this beauty! I won't say this is the best cuticle cream that's out there because initially I didn't find much difference in my cuticles. After I applied it, it would be moisturised naturally but the minute my hands touched water, my cuticles went back to awful! After a few applications and trying it out for two weeks there is a noticeable difference in the condition of my cuticles. My cuticles are now more moisturised, but this product doesn't blow me away with the wind. It has a peach smell that reminds me of the fragrance of cheap perfume...I hate the smell, but overall the product is worth a try for anyone that is on a budget like me.

::Before Application::

::After Application::

This is the first time that I've heard of an in-shower moisturiser. This is of course a sample that I got in a magazine I purchased. I don't lean towards Nivea products because I hate the smell of their products, it's unappealing. So I was hesitant to try this, but to my surprise it exceeded my expectations! The in-shower moisturiser applies like your normal moisturising lotion, what this product aims at is halving the time you spend in the bathroom, in my opinion. By not having to apply moisturising lotion on afterwards when you step out of the shower cuts time and I hate having to apply moisturising lotion on afterwards, I find it tedious. So when I read that this was an in-shower moisturiser I jumped at the idea. I pretty much jump at the idea of any in-shower beauty product to be honest! Upon application, it's a bit slimy, which I wasn't too pleased about, but hey, it is an in-shower moisturiser after all. It absorbs extremely quickly into the skin which I love! The water on your skin facilitates that. There is a faint smell of the characteristic Nivea smell after application, but nothing to overwhelming. It leaves your skin feeling silky smooth, I was actually amazed, because some moisturisers don't give me that "soft as a babies skin" effect any more. I actually purchased a bigger bottle of this because I loved it so much, so all in all worth a try!

The let down of all the products I purchased! I don't know what it is about Labello's formula, but it dries my lips out so much it feels like I'm wearing a tight mask over my lips. Any Labello product I've ever purchased has left me with dry, tight skin on my lips, it's awful. Don't ask me why I purchased this, knowing all too well what Labello does to my lips. Oh wait, it was the pretty packaging, right! I think people with magical skin on their lips can use Labello's products but I certainly can't, it's like my lips are allergic to their products, oh well, definitely not a re-purchase.

I hope you enjoyed this post, and till we meet again!
Bye Bye!


  1. Wow. this massage cream really works! I really like your pics:) New follower :3


    1. Yay! A new follower! ^_^ yupp the massage cream really does wonders!
